“Thank you for your hard work on the RMRC report. I really enjoyed your writing style. I sure wish all the technical reports I have to read had your stamp of approval on them.”
Nat Treadway, Managing Partner, Distributed Energy Financial Group and RMRC member
Retail Market Review Committee (appointed by Alberta’s Minister of Energy)

Why Pentacle Productions?

We deliver.

At Pentacle Productions, we sweat the small stuff…so you don’t have to.

From concept development through drafts and reviews to production and project management, we pay attention to every detail. The result is polished, professional products that make our clients look good. (Our clients say so.)

Our goal is simple.

We deliver top-quality research, writing, editing and consulting to help you get your job done right. And doing things right saves you time and money.

We take pride in exceeding our clients’ expectations. And no project is finished until our clients are completely satisfied with the results.

Our reputation depends on it.